Giddings Elementary School

Dear Parents,

We will have our Thanksgiving lunch on November 20, 2019.  The price of the meal will be $5 for any person who is not a registered student on the Giddings Elementary School campus.

Just a few reminders to help make this day a success and an enjoyable experience:

1.) ALL parking will be at the First Baptist Church located at 600 Sunrise. FREE shuttle buses will transport visitors to and from the school. Shuttle buses will begin at 9:30ish.

2.) ALL meal passes will be $5. GES students eat free and do not need a meal pass!

3.) To ensure the safety and security of all students, access within the school will be limited to ONLY the cafeteria and gym.  

4.) Visitors will only be allowed to enter the building at the serving time of their student(s).  

Serving Times:

1st Grade – 10:30                   Kindergarten – 11:00        2nd Grade – 11:30

PK & PPCD/CDC – 11:50       3rd Grade – 12:15

Please fill out and return the bottom portion by FRIDAY, November 15th.


2019 GES Thanksgiving Meal RSVP

Student’s Name: _______________________  Teacher: _______________

Number of meal tickets needed: _____________________ ($5/ticket)