A late release of information by the Texas Education Agency is a major factor in the decision to delay the first day of school for GISD students. The TEA has committed to providing a learning management system for districts to track student progress and attendance, but has yet to announce which system will be used. Due to this delay by TEA, GISD administration and the District Improvement Committee will be recommending to the GISD Board of Trustees that the 2020-21 school year begin on August 31, with both face-to-face and remote instruction.
This delay will provide additional time for faculty and staff to be properly trained on the new learning management system, as well as provide time for teachers to front load lessons for remote learning.
In order to avoid extending when the last day of school will occur, a recommendation will also be made to extend the school day by 15 minutes. By doing so, the district will add 5 more days to the calendar in addition to the 3 emergency closure days that are already built in. Barring any bad weather days or any other reasons for the district to close, the district would end the year as originally planned.
A document will be released to parents on Monday that will provide information for them to determine if they will send their student to school for face to face learning or remain at home for remote learning.