Beginning October 1, 2020, all children in Giddings Independent School District will be eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch through December 31, 2020.
In-class students will be eligible for a daily free breakfast and lunch (pre-k through 12th grade) through the cafeteria line.
Curbside pick-up will be available for GISD remote learners and community children that are under 18 years old. Meal pick-up will take place each week on Monday from 8:45am to 10am. Five breakfasts and five lunches will be provided for each child for a total of 10 meals each week.
Visit Giddings ISD Child Nutrition web page for more information on curbside pick-up.
Contact Erin Hosein, Director of Dining Services, with any questions.
979 .542.2854 --