GHS Volleyball has announced their summer volleyball camps for summer 2023. See links below for corresponding grade for the 2023-2024 school year:
6th - 8th Grade - https://5il.co/1vsag
9th Grade - https://5il.co/1vsaj
Varsity - https://5il.co/1vsak

Summer meals open to the community will be offered at Giddings Elementary School.
Monday through Thursday - beginning Tuesday, May 30th through Thursday, June 29th. Breakfast will be served from 730AM-830AM and Lunch will be served from 11AM-12PM.
Giddings Elementary is located at 1402 E Industry St, Giddings, TX 78942

Summer SWAP forms are now available, SWAP is for Any Student / Athlete entering grades 7-12 for the 2023 - 2024 School Year.
Bring payment and form the first day of SWAP.

GHS Basketball Camp will be June 26th -28th from 10:30am - 12PM in the GHS Gymnasium. See flyer and sign up sheet for more details here or scan the QR code:

GHS Class of 2023 Graduation is this Friday, May 26th at 8PM, Gates will open at 6:30 PM.

More Sports Summer Camp sign up information!
GHS Football Camp will be July 24th-26th from 7-8:30 PM at Buffalo Stadium. See flyer and sign up sheet for more details here or scan the QR:

The Giddings High School Accounting team has won the 2023 4A UIL State Championship!
From left to right: Jonathan Luna, Emily Butler, Coach Mrs. Mahoney, Rocky Eyler, and Rylan Sailors.
Emily Butler was 2nd place as an individual and Rocky Eyler was 6th place as an individual!
The team competed this morning at The University of Texas at Austin among a highly competitive field of teams.
Let’s go Buffs!

Last week GHS celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week for all our great staff. The community showered the staff with all kinds of great gifts. We would like to THANK Altman Plants for the beautiful flowers.
Whataburger for all the free breakfasts, coupons and cool swag.
Dairy Queen for all the coupons for delicious goodies.
Baked By Allison for the tasty cakes, Mrs. Hernandez and her classes for the cake pops, brownies and cookies.
GHS BBQ team and students who cooked lunch for the staff ,Ms. Tootsie, Mrs. Hernandez, and City Market BBQ for our yummy BBQ luncheon.
Adeline Hamblin and her mom for the awesome Crumble cookies.
Giddings Walmart for the giant basket full of treats for our teachers.
To All the thoughtful students who made cards to tell our teachers how my they appreciate them. From the GHS Staff, THANK YOU!!

GHS is hosting a Job Fair tomorrow for students from 1PM-4PM. The Job Fair will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC starting at 4PM with Job Vendors from all over the county and surrounding areas.

Ticket Information for Friday's Baseball Games at Hutto Vs Gatesville. The entire venue is cashless. Please see the parking map for parking information, visitors should park on the visitor side of the football stadium.
Game 1- Start time @ 4:30
Game 2- 30 minutes following Game 1
*There is a clear bag policy in place.
*No outside food or drinks are allowed inside the facility at any time. This also includes Yeti style containers.
*Adults are $5 Students $3
Purchase your tickets here: https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/3923462/uil-baseball-playoffsgatesville-vs-giddings-hutto-hutto-memorial-baseball-field

**FUTURE BUFFS Early Registration!**Registration is now open for Future Buffs for the 2023 Football Season. Pricing until the end of this school year is $25, the fee will increase at the beginning of the 2023 school year to $30 so register early for a discount! Forms can be turned into the Elementary or High school.
See Form Here: https://5il.co/1u0cb

In case you missed last Friday's story on KVUE of Carlie Weiser, check it out here, as always were are proud of her and can't wait to see her bring home those state championship titles this week!

Online Registration for new and returning students in 1st through 12th grade will open on Monday, May 8th. Pre-K and Kindergarten registration MUST be completed at the Elementary School. Click on the home page "ONLINE REGISTRATION" button to register new and returning students, 1st through 12th grade starting Monday, May 8th.
Instructions for registering can be found here: https://5il.co/wk5y

Summer Camp sign ups have begun! Follow the links for current open camps! Qualifying grade is for the 2023-24 School Year. We will update you as more camps become available!
Soccer - Grades -3rd-5th Grade only - https://5il.co/1tqn3
Baseball - Grades 3rd-9th only - https://5il.co/1tqjk

Congratulations to the Giddings High School Welding Team. Last Friday they took their finished picnic table project to the Waller County Fair Build-Off
and won 1st place. The team consisted of Clay Beisert, Austin Schmidt, Kyler Giles, and Clay Schimank. Way to make us Buffalo Proud!

Date Change - Those nominated students that received their letterman jacket sizing packets this week, the payment and sizing date has been CHANGED from April 25th to May 5th during lunch. If you have questions please see the front office for this information.

GHS Interact Plant Sale - This Saturday April 22 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. All proceeds benefit GHS Interact Club!

Giddings ISD is now accepting applications for student transfers for the 2023-2024 school year. Current Students: April 1, 2023 through April 30, 2023 New Students: May 1, 2023 through May 31, 2023 LATE APPLICANTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. The transfer application can be found here: https://5il.co/182np Applications can be submitted to the following address: Giddings ISD Attn: Carla McMillian PO Box 389 Giddings, TX 78942

Grad Bash -- Seniors will be hosting a Bake Sale this Saturday, April 22, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Giddings Walmart. All proceeds from the bake sale go directly to the senior class.

GHS First Team All-District Defensive Tackle, Kevin Richmond, will have his official signing day on April 20th at 3pm in the high school cafetorium. His signing is open to the public as he signs his commitment letter to play football next year.