Immigration Enforcement - Frequently Asked Questions

1.) Question: Does GISD ask for information on a family's immigration status? Answer: No, GISD does not collect immigration documentation. Undocumented children have the same right to attend school in GISD as U.S. citizens and permanent residents (Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202 (1982)). The same applies to children with undocumented parents. Under the law, the immigration status of our students or families does not change our obligation to educate them.

2.) Question: Will GISD coordinate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)? Answer: GISD will follow state/federal laws and the policies it has in place about releasing student information, as well as coordinating with law enforcement agencies.

Links to Board Policies FL regarding the release of student info and GRA regarding coordination with outside law enforcement agencies are below:

FL(Legal) / FL (Local / GRA (Legal) / GRA (Local)

3.) Question: Will GISD share records with ICE? Answer: Giddings ISD must comply with the Family Education Records Protection Act (FERPA) which mandates that student records remain confidential. Under FERPA a student's education records cannot be released without written parent consent or a valid subpoena or court order, or in the case of a serious or legitimate threat to the health or safety of a person. Directory information may be released if parents have not opted out of the release of information. GISD has designated the following info as "directory information" for non-school purposes: student name and grade level. Absent an emergency law enforcement agencies, including ICE, must present a subpoena, court order, or other legal authority to be provided with confidential student information.

4.) Question: Will GISD allow ICE to enter District Facilities? Answer: GRA policy states that when law enforcement officers request to question or interview a student at school for any purpose other than child abuse the following apply: a.) The Principal shall verify and record the officer's identity and request an explanation of the need to question the student. b.) The principal shall make reasonable efforts to notify the student's parents or guardians. If the interviewer raises what the principal considers to be a valid objection to the notification, the parent shall not be notified. c.) The principal shall be present during the questioning.