Email Hope Holman
Email Michelle Meyer

Together with teachers and administrators, the GMSHS library staff works to meet the educational needs of all students. By providing a flexible, open-access library learning environment, with a diverse collection of print and electronic resources, instruction takes the form of developing information literacy skills with application in curricular objectives. We also want to take this opportunity to not only invite all students to check out books, but to stay and read awhile.
"What a school thinks about a library is a measure of what it thinks about education."
~Harold Howe, former US Commissioner of Education
Giddings ISD is participating in the TexQuest Database Program. This database program provides access for students and educators to access premium digital resources from sources such as Britannica School, Gale/Cengage, InfoBase, ProQuest, and EBSCO Learning Express. These resources are excellent information sources for students to utilize for research projects, or for further reading on subjects of interest. There are many resources available for those who teach STEM classes, G/T, ESL/Bilingual, History/Social Studies, College and Career Readiness, as well as Reading/ELA.
By clicking on the TexQuest Resource Guide link below, you can see how the resources are broken down into categories for elementary, middle school, and high school students. If you need access to written materials that are higher or lower than the grade level that you teach, access has been given to all to accommodate students with special needs. There is an additional combined category added, which is titled content specific and educators that contains lesson planning resources, connections across the curriculum, etc.. Should you plan on using TexQuest, please bookmark it on your toolbar for easy access.
Visit https://TexQuest.net
Under the TexQuest Navigator, select Elementary, Middle School, High School or All TexQuest Resources
Select any resource
Start typing the district name in the drop-down menu
Type the primary district password when prompted
Note: The primary district password is currently, learn
Participants will be able to access all other resources during a session without signing in again.
If you would rather not use the TexQuest Navigator, use the individual link to each provider and the district username and password below.
District Username: j144901 * District Password: learn
Britannica School and Spanish resources: https://britannicalearn.com/texas-student-portal
- Britannica ImageQuest: https://quest.eb.com
- Direct district link for EBSCO Learning Express: https://www.learningexpresshub.com/prepstephighschool?AuthToken=A9EA1B84-2B4B-4A33-AF4D-46E6997C31D1
(District username and password not necessary when using direct district link for Learning Express.)
· Gale/Cengage: https://galepages.com/j144901
Password: learn
· Infobase Learn360: https://learn360.infobase.com
· ProQuest SIRS Discoverer: https://explore.proquest.com/sirsdiscoverer
· TeachingBooks: https://www.teachingbooks.net/texas
Reference Resources
Recommended Sites
Read, Read, Read
Online Books
Informative Searching Tutorials
Citing Resources - Bibliographies