2020 GISD Graduation Procedures
All procedures are based on guidance provided by the Governor and Education Commissioner of Texas. We ask that all guest adhere to the procedures provided for GISD to be in compliance. Non-compliance with the listed procedures may void your attendance for the graduation ceremony.
GISD is excited to offer an outdoor, in-person ceremony for our graduates. In order for them to have a memorable experience, we ask that all attendees abide by these procedures.
Remember that attendance is by invitation only and you must have a ticket to enter.
5 individuals (including young children) or fewer per graduate in attendance (No exceptions)
Graduates will have assigned times for arrival to the stadium
Guest must arrive with the graduate (No exceptions)
No one will be admitted without a ticket (No exceptions)
Guest and graduates must sign off on the compliance screening questions
Questions are located on the ticket’s provided to the graduate
Graduates must report directly to their seat upon entry to the stadium
Guest must report directly to their assigned seat upon entry to the stadium
Each graduate will have 5 seats assigned for their guest in the bleachers
Ushers will be present to assist guest in finding their assigned seat
If a guest leaves the stadium, no re-entry will be permitted
Face mask are strongly encouraged
Social distancing of 6 feet must be observed at all times, except those members of the same household may be allowed to sit together in the audience
Family groups must remain 6 feet from other family groups while seated in the bleachers
Restroom facilities will be open on the home and visitor side of stadium
The number of people in a restroom facility will be limited
An attendant will be present during the entire ceremony in order to sanitize restroom facility during the ceremony
Young children must be closely monitored to ensure social distancing
At no time will children be allowed to move about the stadium unattended by their parent/guardian
At no time will guest be allowed on the field
Leaving the Ceremony
Guest should remain seated at the conclusion of the ceremony
Directions will be given to graduates and guest on how to leave the stadium
Guest will be dismissed as a family with their graduate
Guest and graduates are asked to exit the stadium upon being dismissed