August 16, 2022
*** For Immediate Release ***
GISD Earns grade of ‘A’ in TEA Accountability Ratings
Giddings ISD earned an overall rating of ‘A’ in the TEA accountability ratings that wer...

July 27, 2022
Giddings ISD Student Registration is now open!
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten: Pre-Kindergarten registration and Kindergarten registration MUST take place a...

July 14, 2022
Giddings ISD has announced the hiring of an Interim Principal at the high school. John Schumacher, former superintendent at Gonzales ISD, has accepted the position. Schumacher ser...

June 21, 2022
Safety and Security at Giddings ISD
In light of the events that unfolded in Uvalde recently, citizens in our community have been asking “could it happen here?”.
While ever...

May 13, 2022
Mike Adams named as Giddings Athletic Director/ Head Football Coach
Giddings ISD is happy to announce Mike Adams has been hired as the new Athletic Director and Head Football...

February 14, 2022
GHS Boys and Girls teams take 1st place at Smithville Giddings powerlifting Boys and Girls teams traveled to Smithville to compete at the Smithville Powerlifting Championship ...

January 12, 2022
Giddings ISD administrators are closely monitoring the increase in COVID cases across the area. Our plan is to continue to maintain normal school operations as we have for previo...

January 6, 2022
Giddings ISD celebrates School Board Recognition Month this January
(Giddings, Texas) – January is School Board Recognition Month and Giddings ISD is honored to celebrate i...

November 4, 2021
Giddings Elementary School students will present a Veterans Day program on Thursday, November 11 at 9am in the GES Cafeteria. Students should be dressed as follows: 3rd Grad...

September 15, 2021
Family Impact Night
One of the goals for Giddings ISD is to encourage families to foster, re-establish, or even strengthen relationships in the household. Therefore, with th...

September 8, 2021
This is a reminder that ALL Students on each campus have access to free, healthy meals for the 2021-22 school year. Giddings Independent School District announced its policy on A...

September 8, 2021
FREE COVID-19 VACCINATIONS -- Vacunas sin costo contra el COVID-19 September 15, 2021 -- 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Giddings Middle School 2335...

September 2, 2021
The Giddings High School 2021 Homecoming Queen nominees have been named this week.
They are Madelyn Birnbaum, Brynn Duncan, Zoe Hernandez, and Taylor Majewski.
Madelyn is th...

August 18, 2021
Attention Last Year Ticket Holders
Reserved season football tickets will be available this year at Giddings High School. Tickets may be purchased and picked up beginning Wed...

August 11, 2021
Outside Food and Drink Policy for GES, GIS, and GMS Campuses
Effective August 18th, 2021, Giddings Elementary, Giddings Intermediate, and Giddings Middle Schools will no long...

August 4, 2021
The Giddings Lady Buff Volleyball Team is proud to announce that they are a recipient of the 2020-2021 United States Marine Corps-American Volleyball Coaches Association (USMC/AVC...

July 13, 2021
Giddings ISD Wants to Hear From You!
Giddings ISD is receiving Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds from the federal government via the Texas Educatio...

June 18, 2021
Giddings Elementary School will be conducting Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Roundup next week! Pre-Kindergarten Roundup will be on Monday, June 21 from 1pm to 4pm and Tuesday...

June 15, 2021
The school supply lists for Giddings Elementary, Intermediate, and Middle Schools are now available. They can be found here: GES School Supply List 2021-2022 GIS School Supply...

June 3, 2021
Bringing healthy summer meals to Giddings children ensures kids have a healthy vacation and return to school ready to learn.
Giddings, TX – This summer, Giddings ISD will conne...