September 22, 2020
Due to technical difficulties with the Navarro High School football ticketing system, GISD will be selling visitor tickets for the Giddings vs Navarro football game on Friday.
August 26, 2020
MESSAGE FROM GISD DINING SERVICES Welcome back to another school year! Our team is excited to be #ServingUpHappyandHealthy in Giddings ISD. School meals will be a little differen...
August 23, 2020
Guidelines issued by UIL require that spectators, fans, and media are required to wear face coverings as described in Governor Abbott's Executive Order GA-29. The order states tha...
August 13, 2020
As the 2020 football season approaches, we continue to face challenges due to COVID-19. As a result, many new requirements and recommendations from the Governor, TEA, and UIL have...
August 10, 2020
A new document has been created for the parents and students of Giddings ISD in order to answer questions about operations and procedures for the 2020-21 school year. This docume...
August 5, 2020
Giddings High School will be holding two important events prior to students returning to school on Monday, August 31. The first event is intended to answer questions regarding th...
July 30, 2020
GHS Football practice starts at 6:30 am on Monday, August 3. All players should be ready to go at 6:30 am. Any players that have not checked out equipment should report before 6...
July 29, 2020
On Tuesday, July 28, Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath announced many changes for the start of school. Those areas of school operations that were affected include public he...
July 27, 2020
PLEASE complete this survey as soon as possible but no later than August 3
>>>>> GISD Return to School Safely Survey . <<<<<
July 24, 2020
A late release of information by the Texas Education Agency is a major factor in the decision to delay the first day of school for GISD students. The TEA has committed to providin...
July 17, 2020
Hello GISD families! For our 2020-2021 school year, GISD is offering online registration for all of our current students! Regardless of whether your student starts their 2020-2...
July 15, 2020
A Back-To-School guidance document with a Parent Survey will be released and made available on social media and the district website on Monday, July 27, 2020. Although Giddings I...
June 23, 2020
Monday, June 23, 2020 , 1:00pm
Giddings ISD Public Relations
Giddings ISD has been closely monitoring t...
June 13, 2020
Pre-K and Registration packets can be picked up from Giddings Elementary from Monday, June 15 through Thursday, June 18, from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Kindergarten packets MUST be return...
June 3, 2020
From the GISD Athletics Department: SWAP RULES AND GUIDELINES
We are so excited to be getting the opportunity to have SWAP again this year. However, due to the Coronavirus,...
May 29, 2020
Professional photos will be taken of each graduate with their diploma during the commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 30. A professional video will also be produced and made av...
May 22, 2020
2020 GISD Graduation Procedures
All procedures are based on guidance provided by the Governor and Education Commissioner of Texas. We ask that all guest adhere to the proce...
May 20, 2020
All graduating Seniors must come by the high school to pick up their graduation tickets and review the graduation guidelines on one of the following days: Thursday, May 21st from...
May 17, 2020
Giddings ISD End of Year Procedures
Giddings ISD End of Year Procedures Updated automatically every 5 minutes
Giddings ISD - End of Year Procedures ures Giddings Hi...
May 17, 2020
The 2020 Baccalaureate Service will be held on Wednesday, May 20. It will be a "drive-up" service in the GHS parking lot. All participants will be expected to remain in their vehi...