GMS Athletes Info

Letter to GMS Athletes from Coach Terra Griffin & Coach Juan Rodriguez


GMS athletes, we plan on beginning practice on the 1st day of school. In order to do that we need you to come up the week before to get your equipment/lockers situated. 

All boys need to bring their uniforms that were issued last year to place in your locker. All other football related equipment will be passed out the following days:

8th grade - August 25th

7th grade - August 26th

Make up day - August 27th

We will pass out equipment from 1-3PM each day. 

 7th Grade girls need to come turn in their physicals to Coach Griffin on the same days and times as the boys. Lockers will also be issued out on those days.  Bring all athletic clothing, shoes and equipment to put in your locker.  Have it ready to go for the start of school on Monday 8/31.    

All incoming 7th graders must have a physical in hand to receive equipment. 7th graders cannot participate unless a physical is on file. 8th graders who do not have a physical on file from last year need to have one in hand to receive equipment. All paperwork can be found through your google classroom. If you do not have access you can receive a paper copy from the front desk at GMS. 

 We will follow all COVID guidelines and rules. Please bring a mask. We will only allow kids in the building. Please use the gym entry on the same side as the administration building.    

Go Buffs! 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, we look forward to seeing everyone!  

Girls -

Boys -