Important Information for GMS Athletes.
GHS/GM Athletes: SWAP Resumes this week. (Monday, July 13) Athletes must bring a face covering/mask.
Athletes: SWAP Workouts will be suspended until July 13. Girls will work out July 1, then not workout again until July 13. Boys will not work out July 1.
Plans are under development for the 2020-21 school year, pending guidelines from the state. Today's GISD Press Release can be found here:
Attention Students Entering 9th Grade:
If you have not made your schedule for next year, 2020-2021, please check your school email for a message from Mrs. Smith-Mott, sent on May 19, 2020. It has instructions on how to register for your classes next year. If you did not get the email, please send a message to Mrs. Smith-Mott at
Congratulations to GHS Graduates of 2020: “Here is the advantage you have over other students who are entering this world. You are a Buffalo! You are a winner! You are going to compete and fight for everything you have in life!”
The GHS Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony scheduled for Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 9AM will be available for viewing via livestream on the GISD facebook page:
Buffalo Stadium will be closed to the public from Friday at 7am until Saturday at 2pm in order to accommodate the setup for commencement and the ceremony itself on Saturday morning.
GMS Spring Portraits and Basketball Photos will still be available for pick-up on Tuesday, May 19 from 9am until noon.
PACKET PICKUP TOMORROW - MEALS NEXT WEEK -- Because of the sever weather today, all GISD campuses will have a packet pickup tomorrow, Wednesday, May 13, from 11:00a to 12:30p for parents and students to pick up work packets, return work, and return textbooks & library books.
MEAL SERVICE NOW CANCELLED -- Due to the continuation of Severe Weather Warnings, we have decided to discontinue the meal pickup immediately. Stay Safe!
MEAL PICKUP EXTENDED TO 12:30. Packet pickup cancelled for today. Continue to monitor website and social media for possible re-scheduling for later in the week.
PACKET & MEAL PICKUP SUSPENDED DUE TO TORNADO WARNING! Services to resume when warning expires unless it extends past noon.
Campus may be closed but our teachers and staff are diligently instructing, assisting, supporting and missing our Giddings Middle School Students. Thank you GMS Teachers and Staff for your dedication to our students!
Giddings ISD would like to thank Hal Bowman for the motivational words he recently shared with our faculty and staff. We would like to share his message and words of encouragement with the entire GISD community in the hope that you might also find nuggets of wisdom in his message that will encourage you during this challenging time in our lives. Hal reminds us “The greater the challenge, the greater the lesson.” Thank you Hal for your message, and thank you to the families of GISD for your support in helping us in our mission to educate your children. Watch here:
This Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 are scheduled as school holidays. There will be no food service on those days. Distribution will resume again on Tuesday, April 14.
For GHS athletes retrieving personal belongings from their lockers this morning, please enter the north side doors by the gyms. GMS athletes should enter at the courtyard door.
All GMS & GHS Athletes will be allowed access to their respective locker rooms from 10am until noon on Wednesday, March 25, in order to remove belongings.
ALL GMS BAND Students: Please sign up for REMIND notifications! All 6th grade band students follow these instructions: All 7th & 8th students follow these instructions:
Additional information on Food Service for Students can be found here: